Together Women Rising in Roatan

English Love

Together Women's Rising is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to empowering the less fortunate specifically the Black, Indigenous, Hispanics, minority, and all communities of Roatan, Honduras through the provision of resources and tools that can lift them out of poverty, and improve their health and education. We believe that every person deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background, and we are committed to creating a future where poverty is not a barrier to success.

Spanish Love

Juntos Elevando Mujeres es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a empoderar a los menos afortunados, especialmente las comunidades negras, indígenas y de color en Roatán, Honduras. Nuestra misión es brindar recursos y herramientas para superar la pobreza, mejorar la salud y la educación.

Why Should you Join us?

English Love

Through our programs, we provide access to education, healthcare, food, and personal supplies and essential needs. We promote sustainable development and empower local women as leaders. Together, we build a strong community where everyone thrives.

Join us in creating a brighter future in Isla De La Bahia - Roatan, Honduras!

We are all about community, care, families, poverty, faith, education, improve, provide, quality, access, advance, change, dignity, future, and hope.

Spanish Love

Empoderamiento comunitario para un futuro próspero. Proporcionamos acceso a educación, atención médica y necesidades básicas. Promovemos el desarrollo sostenible y empoderamos a las mujeres locales como líderes. Juntos, construimos una comunidad fuerte donde todos prosperan.

Únete a nosotros para crear un futuro brillante!

Creemos que trabajando juntos, podemos tener un impacto positivo en las vidas de aquellos que más lo necesitan, y crear un futuro más brillante para quienes residen en Isla de la Bahía - Roatán, Honduras.

Press Here

Roatan Bay Island Anthem

Hope & Imagination

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The work begins!

"All great ideas start with imagination & hope for a better tomorrow!"


Ask and You Will Receive!

Click the picture below to see the video!


Our Core Values

Roatan Women Association is a subsidiary to Together Women Rising in Roatan we are committed to professionalism represented by the following values that guide our mission:

Empowerment Health & Safety Education

Equality and inclusivity Sustainability Dignity

Faith Hope

We do it for the children! Dia de los Ninos 9/2023

Let's work together to grow together

Join us in breaking barriers and creating opportunities for success in Roatan, Honduras!




Join us in breaking barriers